It was an honour to cover the return of #SafariRallyKenya to the WRC circuit. These are my favourite shots. #WRCSafariRally #SafoIsBack
Saalt + Wiser School : Partnering for Menstrual Health
The backstory on the story about how Saalt is impacting the lives of girls in Migori County, one menstrual cup at a time. #MenstrualHealth #WorldMenstrualHygieneDay
ARC Equator Rally 2021
I have very many photos to share so no words are necessary.
Peace and Quiet at Castle Forest Lodge
At the start of 2021, I wanted to take some time off work to plan for the year ahead. A friend recommended Castle Forest Lodge. I’m glad I listened to him.
Goshen Acquisitions + Sauti Sol Partnership
In December 2020, we were called upon by Goshen Acquisitions to document an integral part of their partnership with Sauti Sol.
Off Grid Solar Power in Kenya
In far flung villages planted beyond the reach of regular power lines and poles, an increasing number of communities are enjoying the benefits of having electricity in their homes and businesses thanks to the sun shining down on them. This is the power of solar mini grids.
Conservation Agriculture in Makueni and Tharaka Nithi
Most of the farming we do is all about extracting from the soil. But there is a growing number of farmers who make sure they give back to the soil more than they have extracted.
Community Outreach During a Pandemic
Marsabit has remained my favourite county to visit, mostly because of the contrast in beauty the county has. I mean, where else can you be in a rainforest one minute, and bang in the middle of East Africa’s only true desert the other? So when I received the invite from FH Kenya to document some …
Masai Mara is More than Migration
It’s a spectacle of nature that draws tourists in their thousands each year. Missing a river crossing however shouldn’t dampen your trip to the Masai Mara.
Things Get Elephant in Amboseli
When the Covid-19 cessation of movement in and out of Nairobi was lifted, I got together with three photographer friends – Mumbi, Mutua and Josh -and headed to the land of gentle giants for a four-day, three-night camping trip.
Kipeto Energy : A Celebration for Clean Energy in Africa
On May 31st 2020, the 60th turbine on the Kipeto Energy wind farm in Kajiado went up, and with it, celebrations as we inched closer to the wind farm supplying 100MW of clean, renewable energy to the national grid.
Protecting Pregnant Women from Malaria
To mark World Malaria Day 2020, PSI called on us to travel around Cote d’Ivoire and tell the story of how health professionals are working hard to push back the spread of Malaria in the West African nation.
Nairobi Street Photography
Mwarv teaches about photographing in the Kenyan capital during Covid-19 times, sharing his experience and the thinking behind some of his most striking images.
#BlackLivesMatter Nairobi Demonstration
Nairobi joins other world cities in calling for an end to police brutality.
The Case Against Standard Group
Copyright infringement case settled amicably out of court.
Covid-19 Nairobi Stories
How have the movement restrictions put in place to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus affected fellow Nairobians? I decided to find out.
Better than Sunrise
It was supposed to be a sunrise shoot over Nairobi. Heavy cloud cover delivered a brighter plan.
Return to the Park
In what ended up being a ‘welcome back to Nairobi’ game drive, I joined other photographers for a trip to the wild side of Nairobi.
Moi’s State Funeral
He is the longest serving President Kenya has had. At his State Funeral ceremonies, Kenya put aside his slip ups, and honoured him with pomp and fanfare befitting an African Statesman.
Busy but Moving : Uhuru Highway
The Nairobi Expressway Project will change what Nairobi looks like. For the sake of those who will be born in the future, here’s a glimpse of what a section of Uhuru Highway looked like in November 2019 before the expressway.