On May 31st 2020, the 60th turbine on the Kipeto Energy wind farm in Kajiado went up, and with it, celebrations as we inched closer to the wind farm supplying 100MW of clean, renewable energy to the national grid.
We have been documenting the construction of the Kipeto Wind Farm in Esilanke, Kiserian Division in Kajiado since December 2018. Though the project isn’t complete, it has been great witnessing the step by step progress. Teams on the ground have overcome many obstacles, including those brought about by Covid-19, getting Kenya closer to more reliance on clean energy.

This was the site in December 2018.
If you look closely, you can see the wind blowing. 😉

Excavation for the power substation.

The area is teeming with wildlife, so a lot of work has gone into making sure the wind farm keeps the habitat safe for all.

The construction saw the cooperation and sharing of skills between local and international teams.

One of the highlights we got to capture was the offloading of the massive turbines in Kilindini in October 2019.

Road transport from Kilindini to the wind farm in Kajiado took two to three days.

Power substation nearing completion.

After several months of construction and thousands of man hours, the wind farm started taking shape, changing the landscape in Esilanke.

On 31st May 2020, the day the 60th turbine went up, Kilimanjaro showed up for the celebrations.

Part of the Kipeto Energy team posing in front of the 60th turbine.
Here is the film we created to commemorate the milestone of construction of 60 turbines without incident.