This week, we’re still in Tsavo for the African Screens series.
Tsavo is vast, flat and scenic. Due to its size, it’s not that easy to spot game but when you do, it definitely is worth it. Remember last week’s elephants?
For this shot, I had to drive quite a bit to get the perfect spot. The sun was setting and as much as it was glorious, I didn’t want to get just another sunset shot. I saw this tree to my right and decided to use it for a silhouette. The road was however sunk below the level of the tree which forced me to get out of my car, scale a couple of bushes and shrubs, through some barbed wire fence and get the shot. I then dashed back into the car before any predator made dinner of me, and I thanked God for it.
May you enjoy having it as your wallpaper as I enjoyed capturing it. If you look closely, you will see the tree high-fiving you in appreciation.