Procrastination got the better of me on this one. I shot these way back on 23rd July 2012 on a #ShootingKenya expedition to Thika, Central Kenya. The day started quite eventfully with us being ‘arrested’ by some security guard at a fuel station on Mombasa Road for attempting to mount a GoPro in one of our cars.
The super paranoid dude thought we wanted to rob the ATM he was guarding. Then at Blue Posts Hotel, the guides on duty wanted us to pay Kshs25,000/- to shoot at Thika and Chania Falls which are best accessed through their establishment. Luckily, the sensible manager intervened and we paid the usual Kshs200/- per person for nature walks. Arriving at Fourteen Falls just before sunset felt like we’d saved the best for last. Despite the stench from the sewer-soaked water and having to cross the river on a rickety leaking stick of a boat, it was quite scenic and fun. Search Twitter and Instagram for #ShootingKenya to keep up to date with our regular showcase of our beautiful country.

Kenya is a beautiful and blessed country