From when David proposed to Shiru at All That Jazz December 2011, I knew they were a special couple. It was my first time seeing a public proposal.
Upon David’s request, Aaron Rimbui took a break from his keys and before the crowd gathered at Tribe Hotel, David went down on one knee and popped the question to which Shiru said yes.
I was honoured to take their engagement photos which you can take a peek at here:
During their wedding ceremony, David made a 5-point public declaration of the kind of husband he’ll be to Shiru. A declaration that had everyone – including myself – cheering and nodding in approval.
David is a bar raiser, and Shiru his queen adds a distinct sense of beauty and class to the bar raising.
I had the pleasure of shooting their wedding with Naomi Katetei (@nkatetei) while George Kanyingi (@nyingez), Mike Katetei (@profkatts) and Ashley Makena (@ashleenena) did their wedding film. There was such great teamwork between us – especially at the photo session – where everyone became the other’s assistant, strobing, carrying cameras, speedlights, tripods and bags as needed. Many thanks for the great collaboration fellow oneTOUCHers. I look forward to the next time we’ll be shooting together.

I’m honored to be featured on your website.
Wake-up & make-up!
This is too fresh!!!! Looking for a favorite and spoilt for choice.. eish!
The wedding was great by the way. Mbarikiwe sana.
Breathtaking!!!! May God bless your marriage.
Breathtaking!!!!!! May God bless your marriage.
The Third to last Photo is a Killer …kazi smart Mwarv
I second katts!….eish! mwarv, with these kind of shots you seem to enjoy more than the couple . Hongera bro!
thanks francuso.
asante katts. thanks for all the help on the day.
I LOVE your work. Congrats to the lovely couple.
This is L.O.V.E.L.Y. I have goosebumps….
Working with Mwarv and his Team was a exciting and fun thing to do. Shiru and I were very comfortable and jelled so well with him. For sure Mwarv is walking in Purpose, as he clicks away to come with such amazing , breathtaking, shots .
We considered ourselves blessed to have had Mwarv for our Wedding photo shoot. God bless you bro !
Waaaooo……. This is more than breathtaking…. The shots reflect the love between you two,and to capture that, is out of this word. God bless you guys and your marriage….
And good work Mwarv!
May the good lord bless your union 😉
The second last and third last photos are just awesome!!! Good photo work
Mwarv……very, very, great shots!
These photos left me breathless!! So creative!!!!